为了解灵昆鸡的生长发育规律,运用Logistic和Gompertz 2种非线性模型分别对0至12周龄灵昆公、母鸡的体重生长数据进行了曲线拟合和分析,分别求出了两种模型对灵昆鸡公、母的拟合曲线方程、拐点体重和拐点日龄。结果表明,2种模型均能很好的模拟灵昆鸡生长曲线并预测灵昆鸡的生长发育情况,Logistic模型中,灵昆公、母鸡的拐点体重分别是912.17 g,655.41 g,拐点体日龄分别是7.87周,7.11周,拟合效果更佳。
The objective was to study the growth and development of Lingkun chicken.The growth curve of Lingkun from 0 to 12 weeks was analyzed and fitted with two kinds of nonlinear models(Logistic,Gompertz).The result showed that the growth curves were appropriately fitted with two models,but the Logistic model had better effect on fitting with the growth curves.According to the results of Logistic model,the growth inflexion on body weight and age of different sexual Lingkun chicken was(912.17 g,655.41 g) and(7.87week,7.11week).
Journal of Domestic Animal Ecology