
肺结核患者的血糖控制 被引量:2

Glycemic Control in Tuberculosis Patients
摘要 肺结核与糖尿病是两种严重危害人类健康的疾病。越来越多的研究证明,发生结核病的一个重要的危险因素为糖尿病,而且可能会影响肺结核患者的表现和治疗反应。另外,结核病可能会导致糖耐量异常,并使糖尿病患者的血糖控制不良。糖尿病引起肺结核发病增加,可能是因为持续的高血糖损害了针对结核杆菌的机体免疫。对结核病患者合并糖尿病者,药物治疗需考虑到药物动力学,监测血糖,谨慎用药。 It is acknowledged that both tuberculosis (TB) and diabetes mellitus(DM)are major global problems to threaten people's health. There is growing evidence that diabetes mellitus is an important risk factor for tuberculosis and might affect the presentation and treatment response of patients with tuberculosis. In addition, tuberculosis might induce glucose in- tolerance and worsen glycemic control in people with diabetes. Diabetes mellitus increases the risk of active tuberculosis, which might related to that DM impairs the innate and adaptive immune responses necessary to counter the proliferation of TB. During the drug treatment, for those patients with TB companied by DM, the blood glucose should be monitored, and the drug dose should he pain more attention.
出处 《医学与哲学(B)》 2010年第12期6-8,共3页 Medicine & Philosophy(B)
关键词 肺结核 糖尿病 流行病学 临床特点 tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, popularity situation, clinical peculiarity
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