
儿童孤独症相关因素的病例对照研究 被引量:4

Case-control Study on Correlation Factors of Childhood Autism
摘要 目的:探讨孤独症发病的相关危险因素。方法:对符合DSM-IV孤独症诊断标准的孤独症儿童40名与年龄、性别均衡的正常儿童40名进行病例对照研究。结果:孤独症相关因素调查表中的8个相关因素,经过卡方检验有统计学意义,即父亲大专及以上学历(P<0.01),母亲大专及以上学历(P<0.01),先兆流产(P<0.05),母亲孕早期感冒(P=0.01),孕周异常(P<0.01),缺氧窒息(P<0.01),高热惊厥(P<0.01),父亲性格内向(P<0.01)与孤独症相关。结论:相关因素父亲大专及以上学历,母亲大专及以上学历,先兆流产,孕早期感冒,孕周异常,缺氧窒息,高热惊厥,父亲性格内向与孤独症相关。 Objective:To identify potential correlation factors of autism.Methods:40 children with autism(The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,fourth edition,DSM-IV)and 40 normal children matched by sex and age were investigated respectively.Results:There was association between eight risk factors in related factors questionnaire and childhood autism,after Chi-square test,that was,higher father's education level(P0.01),higher mother's education level(P0.01),threatened abortion(P 0.05),early pregnancy colds(P = 0.01),abnormal gestational age(P0.01),hypoxia-asphyxia(P0.01),febrile seizures(P0.01),father introversion(P0.01).Conclusion:There was association between eight correlation factors in related factors questionnaire and childhood autism,that was,father's cultural level above university,mother's cultural level above university,threatened abortion,early pregnancy colds,abnormal gestational age,hypoxia-asphyxia,febrile seizures,father introversion.
出处 《中国伤残医学》 2010年第6期26-27,共2页 Chinese Journal of Trauma and Disability Medicine
关键词 孤独症 相关因素 Autism Correlation factors
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