
单晶硅小金字塔绒面及其对太阳电池性能的影响 被引量:4

Small Pyramids Texture and Performance of Mono-crystalline Silicon Solar Cells
摘要 研究了TMAH(四甲基氢氧化铵)和NaOH腐蚀液在制作单晶硅片小绒面中的应用,制作出平均尺寸小于2μm的金字塔绒面;比较了不同硅片预处理(酸减薄、碱减薄、原片)对金字塔绒面尺寸、均匀性、覆盖率以及反射率的影响以及电池的I-V性能,分析了不同绒面结构对接触电阻的影响;指出单晶硅小金字塔绒面是使用激光制备高效晶体硅太阳电池的关键。 TMAH(tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide) and NaOH solution were used to etch monocrystalline silicon wafer to form small size pyramids, and the average sizes are smaller than 2μm. Before texturing, saw-damage etching was performed with NaOH and HF/HNO3 solution, resulting in a fairly flat surface and a surface covered with pits respectively. The outcome of the surface texturing is related to the original surface morphology of the wafer. It is found that, with etching saw-damage with HF/HNOa solution, the wafer formed regular and small pyramids after texturing. I-V measurements are carried out to compare the performance of solar cells textured with TMAH and NaOH. The line contact resistance is related to size of pyramids. Small pyramids are necessarily to produce high effi cieney crystalline silicon solar cells using laser technology.
出处 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期13-16,共4页 Materials Reports
基金 广东省科技计划(2009B011100002)
关键词 单晶硅片 小金字塔绒面 TMAH NAOH 太阳电池 mono-crystalline silicon, small pyramids, TMAH, NaOH, solar cell
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