
基于柔性动力学的类菱形车转向性能分析 被引量:1

Steering Ability Analysis of Rhombic Vehicle Based on Flexible Dynamics
摘要 针对车架的柔性变形会产生轴转向的问题,建立了考虑轴转向产生附加转角的类菱形车柔性二自由度模型。将类菱形车简化为三点支承的连续梁,通过三弯矩方程分析了轴转向的转角与侧向加速度的关系。通过类菱形车柔性二自由度模型和刚性二自由度模型的对比分析,结果显示,车架的柔性变形不仅影响类菱形车的稳定性,也降低了类菱形车的灵活性以及车辆对驾驶员操纵指令的执行能力。 Since the deformation of vehicle frame will lead to axial steering, a flexible two freedom model of rhombic vehicle was modeled considering the attached angular displacement produced by axial steering. The rhombic vehicle was simplified as the continuous beam supported by three points, the relationship among the attached angular displacements produced by axial steering and the lateral accel- eration was analyzed by three moment equations. The comparisons between the flexible two freedom model and the rigid two freedom model of the rhombic vehicle suggest that the deformation of the vehicle frame affects stability of the rhombic vehicle, reduces the flexibility of the rhombic vehicle and reaction capability of the rhombic vehicle to the driver's operation.
出处 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期247-251,共5页 China Mechanical Engineering
基金 国家985工程资助项目(531105030006) 教育部长江学者与创新团队发展计划项目资助(531105050037)
关键词 类菱形车 柔性动力学 二自由度模型 转向性能 rhombic vehicle flexible dynamics two freedom model steering ability
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