
物联网:语义、性质与归类 被引量:19

Internet of Things:Semantics,Properties and Category
摘要 物联网作为新兴的全球信息化工程,其概念本身(包括语义、性质和归类)的清晰界定至关重要。分析词语internet of things之语义可推证物联网的性质。比较实体Internet of Things与其它互联网应用的异同可确定物联网的归类。Internet of Things的真实语义是"产品信息互联网",一种新型的互联网应用。汉译"物联网"的缺憾在于没有突出两个关键点"信息"和"基于互联网"。物联网的性质分为主性和属性,前者就是"基于互联网的产品信息全球互联",后者则进一步诠释了该"产品信息"的3个受限特征即电子标签形式、标准化约束和本体支持。物联网可看作是语义Web的一种具体应用形式。 It is very important for Internet of Things as a new kind of global information engineering to understand the concept itself(including the semantics,the properties and the category) clearly.Analyzing the semantic meaning of the word internet of things can help to understand the properties of Internet of Things.Comparing the similarities and differences of the entity Internet of Things and other Internet applications can help to classify the entity.The actual semantics of Internet of Things is Internet of product information,a new type of Internet application.Chinese translation of "Internet of Things" is the failure to highlight the two key points "information" and "based on Internet".The properties of Internet of Things include the dominance and the attributes.The former means the interconnection of product information in different parts of the world based on Internet,while the latter further explains the three restrictive cha-racters of the product information,namely the electronic tag form,the standardizing restraint,and the ontology suppor-ting.Internet of Things can be deemed as a specific application form of Semantic Web.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期31-33,65,共4页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60972090)资助
关键词 物联网 产品信息 互联网应用 本体 语义WEB Internet of things Product information Internet application Ontology Semantic Web
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