单波长光纤传输系统的速率已达到10 Gbit/s,但是当速率进一步提高时,会遇到严重的技术障碍;而采用多波长波分复用系统来大幅度提高光纤传输系统的速率与容量已经没有什么实质性的技术限制.光纤最突出的优点之一就是其巨大的固有带宽,而光纤特性中的衰减、色散、极化模色散和非线性效应会对传输速率与容量产生限制,研究人员已找到相应的实用技术来克服这些限制.从过去几年光纤传输技术的发展可以看出两个主要的趋势,即不断改进的WDM技术和改进模拟信号技术用于光纤数字传输.
The development of optical fiber transmission technologies is covered in this paper. Firstly, one of optical fiber' s most outstanding advantages, the huge inherent bandwidth is described. After that, the optical fiber's characteristics ( namely attenuation, dispersion, polarization mode dispersion and non-linearity) that may impact the system ' s transmission speed and capacity and the corresponding technologies to overcome these restrictions are introduced. Finally, the development trends of optical fiber transmission technologies are presented.
Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications