
进一步优化普通高中的课程设置 被引量:8

Perfecting the Curriculum Setup for Ordinary High Schools
摘要 普通高中课程设置的优化须符合四项原则:(1)依据普通高中的培养目标与教育任务;(2)全面反映不同利益群体对高中课程设置的需求;(3)有的放矢地优化高中课程设置的结构;(4)课程设置的统一性与多样性相结合。据此,在达标教育阶段(高中第一、二学年),设置14个共同必修的学习领域,其课时占本阶段总课时的86%;同时,设置十几门任意选修课,每个学生任选两门,其课时占本阶段总课时的14%。在分流教育阶段(高中第三学年),按学生的两个不同的流向设置课程。升学流向设置语文、数学、外语三门必修课(占总课时的50%)和五个限定选修学科组(每个学生从一组限选学科中选学两科)以及若干任意选修课(每个学生从中任选一门)。就业流向设置两门必修课(占总课时的30%)和若干任意选修课(每个学生从中选学两门,占总课时的70%)。 The improvement of the curriculum setup for ordinary high schools must carry out the four principles: (1) To be suitable to the training objectives and educational tasks of ordinary high schools; (2) To reflect the overall requirements of different benefit groups for the curriculum; (3) To perfect the structure of the curriculum with a purpose; (4) To combine the unity with diversity. Based on these grounds, fourteen study fields as required curriculum should be offered in the compulsory stage, which takes up 86% of the class hours. Meanwhile, more than ten selective courses should be offered for students to choose two of them, which takes up 14% of the class hours. In the dividing stage (the third school year), the courses should be offered according to the two different orientations of the students. The major courses of Chinese, mathematics and foreign languages should be offered for the students who will take part in the college entrance examination, which takes up 50%of the class hours, and five designated and several random selective course should be offered for students to choose. Two required courses (taking up 30% of the class hours) and several random selective courses should be set up for the students who will take up an occupation.
作者 廖哲勋
出处 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期3-12,共10页 Curriculum,Teaching Material and Method
关键词 进一步优化 普通高中 课程设置 perfect ordinary high school curriculum setup
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