
顾客导向与产品创新的前端管理研究 被引量:2

Customer Orientation and FFE Management of Product Innovation
摘要 顾客导向是企业经营的重要理念,而开发出消费者满意的新产品是企业立足市场的根本。通过对国内外关于产品创新前端管理与顾客导向的文献综述,在辩证分析顾客导向对产品创新前端管理的作用基础上,就如何充分利用顾客导向在产品创新前端管理中的优势作用,从市场环境、产品创新类型以及顾客导向策略等方面提出了将顾客导向有效整合到产品创新前端管理过程中的理论框架以及未来进一步研究的重点内容与新思路,对我国企业产品创新的前端管理实践具有重要的理论指导和现实意义。 Customer orientation is an important management principle for enterprises,and enterprises are based on developing new products to satisfied customers so as to gain a larger market share.Within the framework of this paper,a literature review of fuzzy front end(FFE) management of product innovation and customer orientation at home and abroad are introduced and summarized.Through a dialectical analysis of how customer orientation influences FFE of product innovation,this study takes advantage of customer orientation to enhance product innovation.In this paper a framework is introduced on integrating customer orientation into the process of FFE effectively.Finally this study is brings forward some new ideas and suggestions for further research regarding from market circumstances,product innovation type,and customer orientation strategy.Enterprises may use the results of the study to accomplish FFE of product innovation successfully.
作者 曹勇 李娜
出处 《中国科技论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期64-69,共6页 Forum on Science and Technology in China
基金 教育部人文社科基金项目"基于创新绩效的企业自主创新与知识产权管理耦合机理研究" 华中科技大学自主创新基金研究项目(人文社会科学)"企业自主创新行为与知识产权管理的耦合机制"
关键词 顾客导向 产品创新 模糊前端 customer orientation product innovation fuzzy front end
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