记述采自中国长白山的鳞虫兆属 Tom ocerus 1新种:长白山鳞虫兆 T. changbaishanensis, sp. nov.。模式标本保存于北京自然博物馆。
Tomocerus changbaishanensis , sp. nov. (Figs. 1~8) Body length: 3.3mm~5.7mm Head: Antennae subegual to body in length. Eyes 6+6, upon common eye patch, color is dark blue. Thorax: Front of Th.Ⅱ with blunt setae. Blunt setae on tibiatarsus up to 4~5,4~5, 7. Tenent hair with 2 acuminate and 1 clavate. Two acuminate are different in length. Unguis lanceolate, with up to 5, 5, 4 inner teeth, one basal tooth and a pair of pseudonychium. Unguiculus elongate, with one inner tooth. Abdomen: Rami tenaculi quadridentate, corpus unscaled, with 17 setae. Furca in ratio as 13∶19∶3. Manubrium principal dorsal setae as 1+1, (1), elongate and blunt on apex. Dental spines compound, as Ⅳ/4, Ⅰ, Ⅰ. Mucro with two dorsal lamellae, the outer one with 4~6 intermittent teeth. Species is similar to Tomocerus (Pogononathellus) elongatus Maynard, 1951 in many respects, but it also differs from the latter in dental spines and others. The differences are listed in table 1. Ecology: In the litter under the Korean pine broadleaf forest. Types: Holotype ♂, Mt. Changbai of China, Jilin Province, 740m, 18-Ⅶ-1993, J9307大 L4T.1. Allotype♀, 10-Ⅳ-1993, J9306 大 L4T. 1. Paratypes 3♂♂,2♀♀, 14-Ⅴ-1993; 10-Ⅳ-1993; 11-Ⅸ-1995, J9305 大 L4T. 1, T. 2, J9509 混 3T. 1, J9306 L1T. 1, J9509 混 L5T. 1, same locality as holotype. All the types are deposited in Beijing Natural History Museum.