
针对音频抖动调制QIM隐写的盲检测 被引量:1

Blind steganalysis for dither modulation QIM hiding
摘要 分析了抖动调制(DM)QIM隐写生成的携密音频的特征,利用携密音频段间变换域系数差的绝对值绘制直方图,根据该直方图中存在固定间隔跳跃点的特征,提出了一种盲检测算法。实验验证了该检测算法对音频的抖动调制隐写和简单QIM隐写都有效果。 This paper analyzes the character of stego-audio which is produced by Dither Modulation(DM) based hiding,an algorithm of QIM based hiding.A histogram is drawn with the absolute values of difference of transform domain coefficients from different segments of the stego-audio.Then a blind steganalysis algorithm for DM-QIM is proposed based on the character that there are some skip points in the histogram.The experimental results show that this detection algorithm is effective for both audio DM data hiding and audio simple QIM data hiding.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期74-76,127,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)No.4241312~~
关键词 抖动调制 量化索引调制 直方图 音频隐写检测 dither modulation quantization index modulation histogram audio steganalysis
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