

Research on denoising mutation of FPRGA based on wavelet decomposition
摘要 遗传算法的应用领域越来越广泛,其编码问题是遗传算法研究的难点之一。浮点数编码具有精度高、便于大空间搜索的优点,在函数优化和约束优化中明显优于其他编码,但浮点数编码在遗传环境中产生的"噪音"和对算法性能的影响,常常被人们所忽视。基于小波分解原理,将"噪音"映射到Haar小波基上,对算法消噪变异,并编程予以实现。研究及实验结果表明,这种方法明显优于其他算法,在理论上是可靠的,技术上是可行的。 Genetic algorithm(GA) is used widely to many fields.Coding is one of difficult issues of GA research.Floating Point Presentation(FPR) is of the advantage of higher precision and convenience of searching in great space.FPR is superior to other codes in function optimization and restriction optimization.But the noises are neglected by researches which are generated by FPR in genetic environment.Basing on wavelet decomposition,the noises are mapped to Haar basis,algorithm is made with denoising mutation,the algorithm is implemented by programming.The results of the research and the experiments indicate the method is superior to other algorithmsi,s reliable in theoryi,s feasible in technique.
作者 崔明义
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期35-37,40,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 河南省基础与前沿技术研究项目(No.082300410100)
关键词 小波分解 浮点数编码 遗传算法 消噪变异 wavelet decomposition Floating Point Representation(FPR) Genetic Algorithm(GA) denoising mutation
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