
论美国关税法337条款在GATT1994下的合法性——基于国际判例的思考 被引量:2

On Legitimacy of Section 337 of US Tariff Law under GATT1994
摘要 对337条款在GATT1994下合法性的正确评判,将会影响对337条款的态度及应对策略的制定。20世纪80年代,加拿大和欧共体曾经分别在关贸总协定体系内挑战过337条款的合法性。第一个案件专家组报告肯定了该案中337条款的合法性,第二个案件专家组报告对337条款的合法性总体上予以肯定,但也指出了337条款四个具体违法之处。1994年,美国制定了《乌拉圭回合协议法》,有针对性地对专家组报告指出的四点进行了修改。修改后,337条款已经符合GATT1994的要求。一般性地起诉337条款违反GATT1994非常困难,可以在个案中结合具体案情向WTO申诉。 To judge the legitimacy of Section 337 under GATT1994 correctly will influence the attitude and strategy to it.In 1980s,Canada and Europe Community challenged Section 337 under the system of GATT respectively.The first panel report confirmed legitimacy of Section 337 in that case.The second panel report confirmed legitimacy of Section 337 generally,and at the same time,it pointed out four concrete illegitimacies too.In 1994,US enacted The Uruguay Round Agreements Act of 1994,which revised the four points the second panel report mentioned.After the amendment,Section 337 has been consistent with GATT1994.It is very difficult to sue Section 337 for breach of GATT1994.We might sue it in WTO in combination with concrete case.
作者 朱鹏飞
机构地区 东南大学法学院
出处 《国际商务(对外经济贸易大学学报)》 CSSCI 2011年第1期119-128,共10页 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS
基金 国家社科基金项目"美国贸易法"‘337条款’--基于国家知识产权战略的研究"的阶段性成果 项目批准号码:09CFX068
关键词 337条款 GATT1994 国民待遇 一般例外 Section 337 GATT1994 National Treatment General Exception
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  • 1See David Palmeter and Petros C. Mavroidis, “The WTO Legal System: Sources of Law”, American Journal of International Law, Vol. 92, 1998.
  • 2王传丽.“WTO:一个自给自足的法律体系”.载陈安主编.《国际经济法学刊》第11卷,北京大学出版社,2004年版.
  • 3See United States Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, WT/DS2/R (29 April 1996), at 17.
  • 4See Joel P. Trachtman, "The Domain of WTO Dispute Resolution", Harvard International Law Journal, Vol. 40,1999.
  • 5赵维田."WTO争端解决中的司法解释".(http://www.iolaw.org.cn/showartide.asp?id=854).
  • 6DSU, supra note 4, Art. 3.2.
  • 7[There is] "little doubt that the drafters of this provision intended it to be an indirect reference to the principles of Articles 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention, but the Convention as such could not be referred to because several WTO Members are not party to it." See Pieter Jan Kuyper, "The Law of GATT as a Special Field of International Law", Netherland Year Book of International Law, Vol. 25, 1994.
  • 8United States -- Measure Affecting Imports of Woven Wool Shirts and Blouses from India, WT/DS33/R, 6 January 1997, para. 7.15.
  • 9David Palmeter and Petros C. Mavroidis, “The WTO Legal System: Sources of Law”, American Journal of International Law, Vol. 92, 1998.
  • 10David Palmeter and Petros C. Mavroidis, “The WTO Legal System: Sources of Law", American Journal of International Law, Vol. 92, 1998.










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