A novel bacteriohopanoid elucidated as 3fl-hydroxy-35-(cyclohexyl-5′-propan-7′-one)-33-ethyl-34-methyl-bactereohopane (1) has been isolated from the bark of Celtis australis (Ulmaceae) together with three known compounds apigenin, quercetin and its glucoside. The structure of 1 was characterized by means of chemical and spectral methods including advanced 2D NMR studies.
A novel bacteriohopanoid elucidated as 3fl-hydroxy-35-(cyclohexyl-5′-propan-7′-one)-33-ethyl-34-methyl-bactereohopane (1) has been isolated from the bark of Celtis australis (Ulmaceae) together with three known compounds apigenin, quercetin and its glucoside. The structure of 1 was characterized by means of chemical and spectral methods including advanced 2D NMR studies.
NIPER,Chandigarh for seanning spectra and UGC New Delhi,India[No.33-282/2007(SR)],for financial assistance