
临床试验中应用PRO评价的伦理学思考 被引量:9

The Ethical Consideration on Evaluating PRO in Clinical Biomedical Researches
摘要 在介绍患者报告结局(PRO)概念与内涵的基础上,阐述了PRO的伦理学原则,进而提出了PRO量表在实际应用中的一些难题。建议临床试验在规范化、科学化、法制化建设的同时,更要认真对待并及时解决临床试验中所面临的各种伦理问题,广泛应用和推广PRO评价,切实保障临床试验受试者的安全与权益。 Based on the introduction of the concept and connotation of patient reported outcomes (PRO) this paper puts forward principles of ethics and some problems in the practical application of PRO scale. Suggest that ethical issues should be taken seriously and solve with the standardized, scientific and legalization construction in clinical trials. PRO evaluation should be widely applied and extended to ensure the safety and equity of clinical trial subjects.
出处 《医学与哲学(A)》 北大核心 2011年第1期20-21,共2页 Medicine & Philosophy:Humanistic & Social Medicine Edition
基金 山西省科技基础条件平台建设项目"临床PRO评价系统与分析技术平台建设" 项目编号:2010091018
关键词 患者报告结局 医学伦理学 临床评价 patient- reported outcomes ( PRO), medical ethics, clinical evaluation
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