
基于纳米材料的电化学发光免疫传感器 被引量:5

Electrochemiluminescence immunosensor based on nanomaterials
摘要 电化学发光传感器是人们研究比较活跃的一个领域,本文就近5年基于纳米颗粒、碳纳米管、量子点等纳米材料构建的电化学发光免疫传感器新技术做一综述。纳米颗粒、碳纳米管的高比表面积、生物相容性及高导电活性,不仅可以降低电化学发光的初始电位,还能加快电极与免疫材料间的电子传递并增强电化学发光强度,提高电化学发光检测的灵敏度及稳定性,已经广泛用于化学及生物化学分析。另外,量子点独特的光学性质,与碳纳米管、纳米颗粒等材料组成的纳米混合物,为开发新型电化学发光免疫传感器提供了一种新思路。 This review discusses recent approaches to novel nanomaterials used for construction of electrochemiluminescence immunosensors since 2006.Described approaches relying on nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes' specific surface,biocompatibility and conduction activity,not only enhance their electrochemiluminescent intensity but also decrease their ECL starting potential.The approaches would promote the application of nanomaterials in fabricating electrochemiluminescence immunosensors for chemical and biochemical analysis.The nanocomposite consisted of quantum dots,nanoparticles and carbon nanotube can provide a new idea for developing novel electrochemiluminescence immunosensors.
出处 《免疫学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期81-85,共5页 Immunological Journal
基金 广东省科技计划项目(2009B030801280 2008A030203005)
关键词 电化学发光 纳米颗粒 碳纳米管 量子点 免疫传感器 Electrochemiluminescence Nanoparticles Carbon nanotubes Quantum dots Immunosensor
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