报道在我国发现的针尾姬蜂属Pion Schiφdte,1839的种类:沁源针尾姬蜂P.qinyuanensis Chen,Shenget Miao,1998,宜丰针尾姬蜂,新种P.yifengensis sp.nov.。指出了新种与近似种的鉴别特征并附彩色特征图。
Two species of genus Pion Schidte,1839,P. qinyuanensis Chen,Sheng et Miao,1998 collected from Henan,Shannxi and Shanxi Provinces and P. yifengensis sp. nov. collected from Jiangxi Province are reported. The main characters for separating the new species from the similar species in the genus was indicated. The specimens are deposited in the General Station of Forest Pest management,State Forestry Administration,Shenyang,China.Pion yifengensis sp. nov.(Figs 1-5)The new species is similar to P. qinyuanensis Chen,Sheng et Miao,but can be distinguished from the latter in having the median section of clypeus slightly concave,without sublateral projecting; apical area of propodeum with median longitudinal carina; hind femur except dorsal portion of apex black,and abdominal terga except first tergum black,reddish brown; hind tibia mainly brown. P. qinyuanensis:the median section of clypeus not concave,with weak sublateral projecting; apical area of propodeum without median longitudinal carina; hind femur mainly,at least inner profile,and first and apical abdominal terga black; hind tibia almost black.Holotype ♀,Guanshan Natural Reserve Region,Yifeng County (28.3°N,114.7°E),Jiangxi Province,430 m,20 Apr. 2009,YI Ling-Li and LI Yi. Paratypes:16♀♀,8♂♂,same data as the holotype except 11 to 27 Apr. 2009.Etymology. The name of the new species is based on type locality.Pion qinyuanensis Chen,Sheng et Miao,1998Pion qinyuanensis Chen,Sheng et Miao,1998. Acta Entomologica Sinica,41(2):182.Specimens examined:1♀,Qinyuan,Shanxi Province,20 Apr. 1995,CHEN Guo-Fa. 6♀♀,Baotianman Natural Reserve,Neixiang,Henan Province,7 June to 30 July 2006,SHEN Xiao-Cheng. 1♀,Pingheliang,Ankang,Shannxi Province,11 July 2010,LI Tao.Distribution. China,Henan,Shanxi,Shannxi.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica