温室盆栽试验表明,冬作季节土壤持续淹水处理(淹水)稻田平均CH4 排放通量显著高于干燥处理(干燥),前者是后者的5.58 倍(1996 年)和4.16 倍(1997 年)。冬作季节土壤水分状况明显影响土壤Eh 和CH4 排放的季节变化。淹水处理土壤Eh 在整个水稻生长期皆处于适宜CH4 产生的水平,所以整个水稻生长期皆有CH4 排放(经历烤田后例外),而干燥处理水稻移栽42 d 后土壤Eh 才降为负值,在此期间几乎没有CH4 排放。
A pot experiment in greenhouse was carried out showing that mean CH 4 flux of flooding treatment was 5.58 (1996) and 4.16 (1997) times higher than that of dry treatment. Soil regime in winter cropping also markedly affected seasonal variation patterns of soil Eh and CH 4 fluxes. Soil Eh of the flooding treatment was in the active range of methanogenic bacteria during the whole rice growing season, so CH 4 emission occurred throughout the entire period (except for the days when the soil was exposed for drying). For the soil Eh of the dry treatment, however, it took 42 days after rice transplanting to drop down to negative value and CH 4 emission was very low during the period.
Rural Eco-Environment