目的 总结腘动脉压迫综合征诊治经验.方法 回顾性分析2002年7月至2010年7月收治的8例患者临床资料,其中男性7例,女性1例,年龄16~56岁,平均(29±14)岁.6例经腘窝S形切口发现并解除解剖畸形,2例腘动脉局限性狭窄合并远侧腘动脉瘤,其中1例行腘动脉缩缝成形,1例切除部分动脉瘤壁以自体大隐静脉补片成形;4例患者腘动脉闭塞,其中2例行腘动脉血栓内膜剥脱术(1例自体大隐静脉补片成形术),1例行自体大隐静脉间置术,1例行自体大隐静脉旁路手术.2例腘动脉闭塞病变较长者直接经膝下内侧切口行自体大隐静脉旁路手术.结果 8例患者术后恢复良好出院,随访4~99个月,平均(50±37)个月.7例患肢血运良好,正常活动.1例自体大隐静脉旁路术后51个月远端吻合口及腘动脉分支狭窄,行球囊扩张术后1个月后再闭塞,经保守治疗后轻度跛行.结论 腘动脉压迫综合征是导致青少年下肢缺血的少见疾病,早期正确诊断和及时手术治疗可取得良好效果.
Objective To summarize our experience on the diagnosis and management of 8 patients with popliteal artery entrapment syndrome (PAES). Methods Clinical data of 8 PAES cases admitted from Jul 2002 to Jul 2010 were retrospectively analyzed. There were 7 males and 1 female with the mean age of (29 ± 14)years (ranging 16 -56 years). In 6 cases posterior "S" shaped incisions in the popliteal fossa were applied and anomalous anatomic structures were verified. Segmental stenosis and post-stenotic popliteal arterial aneurysm was identified in 2 cases, and partial resection of the aneurismal wall and arterioplasty including one with saphenous vein patch were applied; For 4 cases with short segmental occlusion of the popliteal artery, surgical treatment included thromboendarterectomy in 2 cases (with saphenous vein patch plasty in one case), saphenous vein interposition in 1 case, and saphenous vein bypass grafting in 1 case.Medial longitudinal incisions and saphenous vein bypass grafting were applied in 2 cases with long segmental occlusion in popliteal artery without exploration for anatomic anomalies. Results All patients recovered uneventfully without any notable complication. During the follow-up period ranging from 4 to 99 months [average (50± 37) months], no ischemic symptom reoccurred in 7 cases with patent arteries or grafts, and recurrent claudication occurred in 1 case with distal anastomostic stenosis. The stenosis was subsequently treated with balloon angioplasty and vein graft thrombsis occurred one month later. Medicine and exercise were recommended for the patient and now mild claudication still remains without affecting his normal life.Conclusions PAES is a disease of relatively low incidence resulting in lower extremity ischemia, which can be successfully cured with proper management.
Chinese Journal of General Surgery
Vascular surgical procedures
Popliteal artery