
FDI对中国城乡收入不均等的影响——基于理论与实证角度的研究 被引量:16

The Impact of FDI on Chinese Urban-rural Income Inequality——Based on Theoretical and Empirical Research
摘要 在对已有文献回顾的基础上,运用宏观经济理论和实证模型检验对FDI与中国城乡收入差距的关系进行了探讨。首先,利用古典生产函数,从理论上研究了FDI与城乡收入差距之间的内在联系,研究发现FDI在促进中国经济非农化的过程中有可能加大了农业与非农业人口的收入差距。引入产业结构调整机制,并采用1979~2009年时间序列数据,对FDI与城乡收入差距之间的关系进行了模型实证检验。实证结果表明,FDI的增长降低了中国农村居民收入在整个国民收入中的占比,而FDI对城镇居民收入的增长则有显著促进作用。为此提出要进一步推进农村社会的改革、通过实现FDI产业与地域调整、促进就业市场的统一等措施,来缓解FDI对我国城乡收入差距的负面影响。 This paper discusses the relationship between FDI and rural-urban income gap in China mainly from the perspective of theoretical and empirical analysis and makes a theoretical summary.First,we use the classical production function framework to analyze the intrinsic link between FDI and rural-urban income gap from the theoretical study.It is found that FDI has promoted non-agricultural economy and are likely to increase the rural-urban income gap.Accordingly,we introduce the industrial structure adjustment mechanism,using series data from 1979 to 2009 to analyze the relationship between FDI and rural-urban income gap.The empirical results show that the growth of FDI decreased the proportion of income of rural residents in the entire national income,while it has a significant positive effect on the growth of income of urban residents.It thus verifies the theoretical conclusion that FDI may expand urban-rural income gap.Therefore,the paper proposes that we should promote the reform of rural society,liberate productive force in rural areas,and ease the negative effects of FDI on urban and rural income gap by adjusting FDI industry position and promoting employment.
出处 《软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期14-18,共5页 Soft Science
关键词 FDI 城乡收入差距 产业结构 调整机制 FDI urban-rural income gap industry structure adjustment mechanism
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