

Clinical study on 100 patients with primary nocturnal enuresis
摘要 目的通过药物弥可保、单纯干床训练治疗原发性夜间遗尿症(PNE)的研究,探讨儿童PNE的较佳治疗方法。方法对100例PNE患儿进行问卷调查,并予以药物弥可保、干床训练2种方案治疗3个月,治疗结束时和结束后追踪3个月观察其疗效和复发率。结果疗程结束时和追踪观察3个月弥可保组有效率、治愈率均高于干床训练组,均有显著性差异(P均<0.001)。疗程结束后追踪3个月干床训练组复发率高于弥可保组,有显著性差异(P<0.001)。结论弥可保治疗PNE降低了复发率,提高了疗效。 Objective It is to approach the better treatment methods on children with primary nocturnal enuresis(PNE) through the study of Methycobal and dry bed training on PNE.Methods 100 children with PNE were investigated by means of questionnaires and treated with Methycobal and dry bed training for three months.The curative effect and relapse rate were observed at the end of treatment and after treatment for three months.Results The effective rate and cure rate in Methycobal group at the end of treatment and after treatment for three months were all higher than that in dry bed training group(all P〈0.001).The relapse rate in dry bed training group after treatment for three months was higher than that in Methycobal group(P〈0.001).Conclusion Methycobal can lower the relapse rate and heighten the curative effect in the treatment of PNE.
机构地区 解放军第
出处 《现代中西医结合杂志》 CAS 2011年第5期530-531,共2页 Modern Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
关键词 遗尿 弥可保 干床训练 儿童 enuresis Methycobal dry bed training children
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