
无线传感器网络中分段贪婪地理路由算法 被引量:1

Segmented greedy geographic routing in wireless sensor networks
摘要 针对基于地理位置的无线传感器网络路由中存在的路由空洞问题,提出一种新的路由模式:分段贪婪路由.在该模式中,整个路由过程被中间节点序列划分为若干段,在每一段上仅应用贪婪转发策略.为确定合适的中间节点,给出一种基于递归探测的方法,并以GPSR算法为基础探测路由构造了SGR算法.仿真实验表明,在存在不同类型、大小、数量路由空洞的网络环境中,SGR算法均能以较小的探测开销获得接近最优的路由路径,尤其是凹空洞存在的情况. For the routing hole problem existing in wireless sensor networks when performing geographic forwarding,a novel segmented greedy routing(SGR) model is proposed.In the proposed solution,the entire routing procedure is separated into several phases by middle target nodes,and only greedy forwarding is applied in each phase.In order to determine proper middle target nodes,a recursive detecting scheme is given.Taking GPSR as basic detecting algorithm,a SGR algorithm is developed.Simulation studies show that SGR algorithm can find near optimal routing path with relatively low cost in various network environment,especially when concave holes exist.
出处 《控制与决策》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期196-200,206,共6页 Control and Decision
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60602061 60803131)
关键词 无线传感器网络 贪婪地理路由 路由空洞 分段贪婪路由 wireless sensor networks greedy geographic routing routing holes segmented greedy routing
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