

On the Compilation of Text Typology-based Translation Textbook
摘要 莱斯的文本类型理论以文本的功能和类型划分作为选择翻译策略和进行翻译评估的依据,对翻译教材编写具有重要启示。编写基于该理论的新型翻译教材对于培养学生的文本意识,指导学生的翻译策略选择,以及辅助学生的翻译评估均具有重要的理论和实践意义。 Reiss's Text Typology proposes that translation methods and translation assessment should be based on the classification of text functions and text types,which has great implication on the compilation of translation textbook.The compilation of a text-typology-based translation textbook will be of great theoretical and practical significance in cultivating text-type awareness,directing translation methods and assisting translation assessment in translation teaching class.
作者 高路
出处 《河北理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第1期142-145,共4页 Journal of Hebei Polytechnic University:Social Science Edition
关键词 文本类型理论 翻译教材 文本意识 翻译策略 翻译评估 text typology translation textbook text-type awareness translation methods translation assessment
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