
超宽带脉冲穿墙雷达互相关BP成像 被引量:4

Cross-Correlation BP Algorithm for UWB Pulse Through-Wall Radar
摘要 根据超宽带脉冲穿墙雷达目标回波信号与发射信号具有较强相关性的特点,提出一种新的互相关后向投影(BP)成像算法,该算法将沿天线合成孔径方向各接收阵元的回波信号与发射信号先进行互相关,将获得的互相关信号再利用BP算法进行相干成像。与回波信号进行直接BP成像相比,该算法具有消除脉冲建立时间对回波延迟时间估计误差的影响,提高目标成像的位置精度;能有效抑制背景噪声,提高图像信噪比。利用时域有限差分(FDTD)方法对穿墙场景进行电磁仿真,通过对成像方法结果的比较,表明互相关BP成像算法在成像位置精度和图像信噪比方面明显优越于直接BP成像算法。 According to the strong correlation between the transmit signal and received signal of UWB pulse through-wall radar,a cross-correlation back-propagation(BP) algorithm is proposed.The cross-correlation signals between received signals and transmit signal are first formed and then are used to generate their coherent imaging by using BP algorithm.The electromagnetic models for through wall scenarios are setup based on FDTD method.Imaging results of two methods show that the cross-correlation BP algorithm has great advantages than general BP algorithm at the aspects of improving the target imaging localization precision and the signal noise ratio of the imaging.
出处 《电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期16-19,共4页 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
基金 国家自然科学基金(60802063) 云南省科技计划项目(2009CA021)
关键词 BP成像 互相关BP成像 时域有限差分 超宽带脉冲穿墙雷达 BP algorithm cross-correlation BP algorithm FDTD UWB pulse through wall radar
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