为了弄清狼毒(Stellera chamaejasmeL).对两种优质牧草——新麦草(Psathyrostachys juncea(Fisch).Nevsk)i和无芒雀麦(Bromus inermis Leyss)的化感作用强弱,在恢复狼毒侵占严重的草地时,对草种进行合理的选择,采用室内生物测定方法,研究了狼毒根、茎叶粉碎物在土壤里腐解过程中对新麦草和无芒雀麦幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,狼毒对新麦草的化感综合效应(SE)随狼毒根、茎叶量的增加而增大,最大值分别为34.8%和17.0%。狼毒根对无芒雀麦的SE也随狼毒根量的增加而增大,最大值为9.5%。狼毒茎叶对无芒雀麦幼苗的生长表现出促进作用,当茎叶量为5克/盆时,促进作用最大,SE为-16.1%。说明对同一受试植物而言,狼毒根对其抑制作用强于茎叶,狼毒对他种植物的化感抑制作用主要是通过根起作用。新麦草受狼毒化感抑制作用的影响大于无芒雀麦,在人工建植植被恢复狼毒侵占严重的草地时,无芒雀麦可作为选择草种。
In order to make it clear that the allelopathic effect of Stellera chamaejasme on the Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch.) and Bromus inermis ,The allelopathic effect of root smashing, stem and leaf smashing of Stel/era chamaejasme in the process of spoiled solution in the soil on the seedling growth of Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch.) and Bromus inermis was investigated in the bioassay method. Results indicated that synthetic inhibitory effect (SE) of Ste//era chamaejasme on Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch.) increased with increased amount of root ,stem and leaves of Stellera chamaejasme applied into the soils. The maximum of SE were 34.8%andlT.0% respectively. The allelopathic inhibited effect on Bromus inermis increased with the root weight of Stellera chamaejasme. The maximum of SE was 9.5%. Seedling growth of Bromus inermis was accelerated by stem and leaves of Stellera chamaejasme. When the weight of Stellera chamaejasme was 5g per pot, The maximum of SE was -16.1%. The results showed that the allelopathic inhibition of Ste//era chamaejasme' s root was stronger than that of its stem and leaves. So the allelopathic of Stellera chamaejasme occur mainly by its root. The allelopathie effect of Stellera chamaejasme on Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch.) was stronger than on Bromus inermis. So Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch.) can be used to restore the grassland invaded by Stellera chamaejasme.
Pruataculture & Animal Husbandry
S. chamaejasme
Bromus inermis
Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch.)