介绍了工作流及工作流管理系统的概念,并根据工作流引擎JBPM和JPDL方面的实践经验,建立基于JBPM架构的开放源代码的工作流管理系统。同时结合实际案例对JBPM工作流引擎的应用进行研究,使用JBPM工作流引擎实现工作流程,给出该方法的具体实现及其部分核心代码的说明,最终完成EDA PCB流程管理系统的开发。
This article introduces the concepts of workflow and workflow management system. According to the experience of JBPM workflow engine and JPDL, the open-source workflow management system based on JBPM framework is estabished. In light of the actual case of the JBPM workflow engine's application, JBPM workflow engine is used to carry on the work flow. The realization of the method and description of the partial core codes are given to develop the EDA PCB Process management system.
Computer & Telecommunication