
一种肌电生物反馈仪的研制及其放松效果评价方法设计 被引量:2

The Design of a EMG Feedback Equipment and the Evaluation of it's Relaxation Effect
摘要 目的:研制一种能让病人掌握自我放松及调节心理生理状态的肌电反馈仪,并建立放松效果评价方法。方法:对肌电信号进行放大、采样,然后根据采集到的肌电信号使相应肌电水平的信号灯点亮,设置16个显示灯,分别表示不同范围的肌电大小水平,让病人感知放松程度,把整个放松过程的信号灯点亮编号进行记录保存后,利用计算机软件设计出放松效果评价打印报表。结果:通过对60例受试者测试表明,本仪器稳定性好、准确度高,反馈界面友好,放松效果评价方法合理、科学,得到医生认可。结论:本仪器及放松效果评价方法可得到进一步推广。 Objective: To researching a device through which patient can learn how to relax and adjust himself and disease can be avoided or treated. Method: the EMG bio-feedback equipment is devised and a relaxation effect evaluation system is set up. Result: This device works reliably, high accurately and have friendly feedback interface, the relaxation effect evaluation system is reasonable, scientific and be acceptable by the doctor. Conclusion: this device and relaxation effect evaluation system should be popularized.
出处 《中国数字医学》 2011年第1期96-98,共3页 China Digital Medicine
关键词 肌电信号采集 生物反馈 自主神经功能 放松治疗 EMG signal acquisition, bio-feedback, autonomic nervous function, relaxation therapy
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