
定量二氧化碳法合成环保型异硬脂酸镁清净剂的工艺研究 被引量:4

Synthesis of environmentally protective magnesium isostearate detergent using quantitative carbon dioxide
摘要 研究了定量二氧化碳法合成环保型异硬脂酸镁清净剂的新工艺。在异硬脂酸为3.5 g、活性-60氧化镁为2.5 g、甲醇为3 mL、氨水为1.5 mL、二氧化碳压力为3 MPa、碳酸化时间1 h的反应条件下,可以获得碱值为292 mg(KOH)/g的中碱值异硬脂酸镁清净剂产品。其他反应条件保持不变,继续增加活性-60氧化镁的质量至3.5 g时,可以获得碱值为345 mg(KOH)/g的高碱值异硬脂酸镁清净剂产品。红外谱图(IR)显示异硬脂酸镁清净剂产品含有无定形碳酸镁。 In order to meet the development requirements of environmentally protective lubricating oils and improve the traditional process of synthesizing detergents, the environmentally protective magnesium isostearate detergent is studied using quantitative carbon dioxide. Under the reaction conditions ( isostearic acid of 3.5 g, active-60 magnesium oxide of 2. 5 g,methanol of 3 mL, ammonia of 1.5 mL,pressure of carbon dioxide of 3 MPa, carbonation reaction time of 1 hour) ,the medium alkaline magnesium isostearate detergent with total base number (TBN) of 292 mg(KOH)/g can be obtained using quantitative carbon dioxide. While with other conditions unchanged, the amount of active-60 MgO increases to 3.5 g,the high alkaline magnesium isostearate detergent with total base number (TBN) of 345 rag( KOH)/g can be obtained. IR demonstrates magnesium isostearate detergent containes amorphous magnesium carbonate.
出处 《现代化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期49-51,共3页 Modern Chemical Industry
关键词 润滑油清净剂 异硬脂酸镁 定量二氧化碳 环保 lubricant detergent magnesium isostearate quantitative carbon dioxide environmental protection
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