
美国排污交易制度的理论和实践难题 被引量:5

Theoretical and Practical Problems of Emissions Trading in America
摘要 酸雨控制的大获成功,使排污交易不仅在美国受到推崇,更被世界各国争相效仿。不过,排污交易制度自在美国诞生以来,就一直面临着诸多理论和实践难题。在理论上,排污交易既难以回答反对者对其不合乎道德的追问,也无法消除学者们对国际排污交易导致的发达国家规避或者转移自身减排责任的担忧。在实践中,排污交易在效率、效果和公平性问题上,均受到质疑。这包括其成本收益计算的不准确,减排力度和速度不如直接管制,以及引发的环境公平问题无法得到有效解决。此外,排污信用的法律性质问题至今也未得到彻底的解决。 Emissions trading has becomes very popular since the great success of control of acid rain in the U.S.,and then it has been taken by other countries in the world.However,emissions trading has some theoretical and practical difficulties.From the theoretical perspective,emissions trading can neither answer the criticism for its morality nor ease the worry of the avoidance by developed countries of their responsibilities in international trading programs.In practice,emissions trading faces three main doubts,including efficiency,effectiveness and justice.Some scholars argue that the cost-benefit analysis is inexact and think that the command-and-control regulation is more effective.The most challenging and demanding task is how to settle the "hot spots" which have caused severe environmental justice issues.Moreover,the legal foundation of emissions trading is not yet completely addressed.
作者 杜万平
机构地区 暨南大学法学院
出处 《中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期41-47,共7页 Journal of China University of Geosciences(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年资助项目"中美环境法律实施机制比较研究"(09YJC820045)
关键词 排污交易 直接管制 环境公平 环境道德 emissions trading command and control environmental justice environmental morality
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