

The Strategy in Job Application——"Failure-as-an-asset" Effect
摘要 本研究选取78名参加工作的人为被试,采用角色扮演情境法进行实验,考察"失败成为优势"效应在招聘中的应用。结果发现,(1)当描述种类为缺点时,被试对能力为男性化类型的雇佣决定评价显著高于与性别无关类型。(2)"感知的女性化特质"与雇佣决定相关显著,当控制了感知的女性化特质,不同描述种类和能力在雇佣决定评价上的交互作用变得不显著了。缺乏男性化能力的女性求职者,更容易被雇佣从事传统女性职业,即存在"失败成为优势"效应;感知的女性化特质对"失败成为优势"效应起中介作用。 78 workers were administered in a role-play scenario to examine the strategy of the "failure-as-an-asset" effect in job application.The Results showed that(1) the applicant who mentioned a weakness in a masculine ability was more likely to be hired than the one who mentioned non-sex-linked ability。(2) The perceived femininity was significantly related to hiring decision.As expected,controlling for perceived femininity reduced the interaction to non-significance.Applicants were more likely to be hired for a traditional feminine position when they presented themselves as weak on a typical masculine ability.The "failure-as-an-asset" effect existed.Perceived femininity was shown to mediate these effects.
作者 温芳芳 佐斌
出处 《心理研究》 2011年第1期40-43,共4页 Psychological Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划项目(项目号:05JAXLX009)和教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET-06-0675)
关键词 职业性别刻板印象 “失败成为优势”效应 男性化特质 女性化特质 occupational gender stereotype "failure-as-an-asset" effect masculinity femininity
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