
避雷器对GIS中快速暂态过电压的影响 被引量:8

Influence of MOA to very fast transient over-voltage
摘要 本文采用EMTP软件对GIS中隔离开关操作时产生的快速暂态过电压(VFTO)进行仿真,研究避雷器对VFTO的抑制作用。对国内某550kV GIS水电站隔离开关4种操作方式下产生的VF-TO进行计算和分析,优化选取避雷器在GIS内部母线上的安放位置。计算结果表明了,正常工作情况下,对于GIS内部由于隔离开关操作引起的VFTO而言,避雷器安放在距母线首端10m~20m处时VFTO幅值最小,即避雷器安放位置最好。 The simulation of the very fast transient over-voltages (VFTO) caused during disconnecting switches (DS) operation is done by the EMTP software. The suppression of VFTO by MOA is studied. The very fast transient vohages caused by four operation modes of disconnecting switches of GIS in 550kV substation is calculated and analyzed. The position of MOA placed in the GIS bus is optimized. The results show that under normal operating condi- tions,the smallest value for MOA to suppress VFTO caused during disconnecting switches operation is 10m-20m a- way from the head of bus, and that is the best position. In addition, MOA should be installed closely to the transformer, and it is generally considered that the distance is less than 10 m. This conclusion is used as the reference to design the position of MOA in GIS, and it also has a very important practical significance in the actual project.
出处 《电工电能新技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期74-78,共5页 Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy
基金 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20092102110001) 教育部高等学校科技创新工程重大项目培育资金项目(707018)
关键词 全封闭组合电器(GIS) 隔离开关 快速暂态过电压(VFTO) 避雷器 GIS disconnecting switches VFTO MOA
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