取克氏原螯虾( Procambarus clarkii) 血淋巴液, 与抗凝剂混匀后离心, 去上清, 用含15 % 犊牛血清及100 U/mL青霉素、100 μg/mL 链霉素的L15 培养液悬浮血淋巴细胞, 移至培养瓶, (28 ±1) ℃培养。细胞于12 h 内贴壁, 形态不一, 可见透明细胞、小颗粒细胞及大颗粒细胞3 种类型, 多数不分裂, 可维持15 d 以上。上述方法重复至少25 次,
Hemocytes of crawfish(Procambarus clarkii)were attached to the flask within 12 h at (28±1)℃,supported by L 15 medium containing 15% calf serum,Penicilin 100 U/mL and Streptomycin 100 μg/mL.Cells could be maintained for 2 weeks at least,most of which were not in an active state of division.The structure of cells varied and could be classified into three types:hyaline,semigranular and granular cells.
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine