
中国管理本质——一个社会网的观点 被引量:6

The Essence of Chinese Administration:A Perspective of Social Network
摘要 中国的本土管理学首重无为而治,也就是鼓励自我组织、自订规章、自我管理的自组织治理机制,而要想放而不乱,靠的是从天下至诚开始到德育天下为止,建立价值、愿景、文化、规范以控制组织行为的前题环境,而非控制行为本身。最终目的则在追求生生不息,也就是在多元的系统中保持平衡,以不断适应外在环境的变化。这套管理思想暗合了以社会人假设为基础的人本管理思想,其中,尤其以社会网的理论与方法最适合分析中国"关系社会"的自组织治理。个体网、整体网、以及社会网分析方法可以分析中国人的人情交换、关系网络以及圈子现象,复杂网与动态网则可以分析自组织的形成以及系统的平衡与变迁。这些研究方法可以帮助处理本土管理的重大议题,催生着更多本土管理理论的诞生。 Chinese indigenous management is guided by non - exertion government, i.e. a mechanism encouraging self - organization, selfregulation and self - management. Freedom without disorder depends on a combination of uttermost sincerity and universal morality, while the construction of value, vision, culture, and regulation is to construct the prerequisite environment to control group activities, not the control itself. The uhimate function is to keep dynamic balance in this diversified system, so that the system can adjust itself to the changing world. This managerial principle coincides with human - orientated management which takes the social man as its basis, in which social network theories and methodology are especially suitable for the analysis of self - organized management of Chinese "relationship society". Ego - centered, holistic and social network analysis can be applied in the analysis of relationship exchange, relationship network and circle phenomenon, whereas complex network and network dynam- ics can help modeling the formation of self - organization as well as the balance and evolution this system. This research methodology can help deal with substantial domestic management issues and form corresponding theories.
作者 罗家德
出处 《南京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第1期31-40,共10页 Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences
关键词 中国本土管理 中庸 社会网 镶嵌 整体系统 indigenous management research doctrine of mean social network embeddedness holistic system
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