
产后出血相关危险因素分析及对策 被引量:10

Risk Factors of Postpartum Hemorrhage and Countermeasures
摘要 目的:分析产后出血相关危险因素,提出合理的防治措施。方法:对本院2007年1月-2010年10月508例产妇的资料进行回顾性分析,筛选出与产后出血相关的主要危险因素。结果:508例产妇中,产后出血34例,产后出血发生率6.69%。宫缩乏力是导致产后出血的首位因素(58.1%),其次为胎盘因素(25.8%)。产后出血与分娩方式、孕产次及多胎妊娠等关系密切。结论:产后出血仍然是威胁产妇生命最严重的产科并发症,通过分析影响产后出血的高危因素,可采取相应的预防措施,对控制或减少产后出血、降低产后死亡率起着重要的作用。 Objective:To analyze the risk factors of postpartum hemorrhage,reasonable mitigation measures.Method:In our hospital from January 2007 to October 2010 508 cases of maternal were retrospectively analyzed for postpartum hemorrhage associated with selected major risk factors.Results:In 508 cases of maternal 31 cases happeled postpartum hemorrhage,the rate was 6.10%.Uterine inertia was the first factors of postpartum hemorrhage(58.1%),followed by placental factors(25.8%).Postpartum hemorrhage was associated with mode of delivery,maternal time and multiple births pregnancy.Conclusion:Postpartum hemorrhage remains the most serious life-threatening maternal obstetric complications.Analyzing the risk factors of postpartum hemorrhage can take appropriate preventive measures to control or reduce postpartum bleeding,and reduce post-natal mortality rate.
作者 张梅娣
出处 《医学理论与实践》 2011年第2期144-145,共2页 The Journal of Medical Theory and Practice
关键词 产后出血 相关危险因素 预防措施 死亡率 Postpartum hemorrhage Related risk factors Interventions Mortality
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