
Co^(2+)取代与Li^+掺杂对NiCuZn铁氧体磁性能和直流叠加特性的影响 被引量:7

Effects of Co^(2+) substitution and Li^+ doping on the magnetic and DC-bias-superposition characteristic of NiCuZn ferrite
摘要 采用固相反应法制备了低温烧结NiCuZn铁氧体,研究了Co2+取代与Li+掺杂对NiCuZn铁氧体材料的饱和磁感应强度、剩磁、矫顽力、起始磁导率以及在直流偏置场下增量磁导率的影响。研究表明,适量的Co2+取代与Li1+掺杂会通过影响铁氧体材料的磁晶各向异性常数在一定程度上影响材料的磁导率。随着直流偏置场的增大,材料的磁导率会下降,下降的缓慢程度与材料的饱和磁感应强度、剩磁以及矫顽力有关。在较大的直流偏置场作用下,材料增量磁导率的下降程度主要由矫顽力决定。 Low-temperature-fired NiCuZn ferrites were prepared by solid-state reaction method. The Effects of Co2+ substitution and Li+ doping on saturation magnetic flux density, remanence, coercivity, initial permeability and DC-bias-superposition characteristic were investigated. It was found that proper content of Co2+ substitution and Li+ doping can to some extent affect the permeability of the ferrite via magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant of the ferrite. Permeability of the ferrite continuously decreases with increasing DC-bias-superposition field, and the gradient of permeability decline depends on the saturation magnetic flux density, remanence and coercivity of the material. The incremental permeability of the material depends primarily on coercivity under relatively strong DC-bias field.
出处 《磁性材料及器件》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期63-67,共5页 Journal of Magnetic Materials and Devices
关键词 NICUZN铁氧体 Co2+取代 Li1+掺杂 增量磁导率 直流叠加 NiCuZn ferrite Co2+ substitution Li+ doping incremental permeability DC-bias superposition
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