
紫菜中类菌胞素氨基酸种类的确定及提取条件优化 被引量:9

Species identification and optimization of extraction conditions of mycosporine-like amino acids in Porphyra yezoensis
摘要 类菌胞素氨基酸(MAAs)是小分子、水溶性化合物,具有抗紫外辐射功能。采用紫外光谱和质谱分析,确定了福建产条斑紫菜中所含的MAAs类化合物为Porphyra-334和Shinorine;采用单因素实验和正交实验确定了紫菜中MAAs类化合物的最佳提取工艺条件为:提取液初始pH2.0,提取时间1.5h,提取温度45℃,料液比为1∶8。在最佳提取工艺条件下Porphyra-334和Shinorine的提取率分别为5.124mg/g和3.941mg/g。 Mycosporine-like amino acids(MAAs)are small,water-soluble compounds with the function of serving as screens against ultraviolet(UV)radiation. Using UV spectrum and mass spectrometry analysis,the MAAs from Porphyra yezoensis of Fujian Province was identified as Porphyra-334 and Shinorine. On the basis of single factor experiments and orthogonal array design experiments,four crucial extraction parameters such as extraction temperature and time,material/water ratio and initial pH value,were optimized for maximizing yield of MAAs from Porphyra yezoensis. Results showed that the optimum conditions were as follows:initial pH2.0,extraction for 1.5h,temperature 45℃ and material/water ratio of 1∶8(m/V). Under such conditions,the actual extraction value of Porphyra-334 and Shinorine content reached to 5.124mg/g and 3.941mg/g,respectively.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期187-190,共4页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30771674) 教育部重点项目(109099)
关键词 紫菜 MAAS 种类确定 提取条件优化 Porphyra yezoensis MAAs species identification optimization
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