
价值取向、理论基础、制度设计与发展路径——美国公民治理与中国村(居)民自治的四维辨析 被引量:1

Value Orientation,Theoretical Principle,Institutional Arrangement,Development Path:Four-Dimension Analysis of Citizen Governance in U.S.A.and Villagers-autonomy in China
摘要 美国公民治理与中国村(居)民自治存在着诸多共性:二者在价值取向上均倡导公民充分参与,彰显直接民主的价值;在理论基础上,均以人民主权理论为理论基石;在制度设计上,均以居民自治作为基层社会治理的设计原则;在发展路径上,均以各自的自治传统为依托。但基于中美各自成长土壤、历史文化的迥异,美国公民治理与我国村(居)民自治更多地凸显着各自鲜明的个性。因而,这两种自治模式又在恪守各自国域价值取向的规导下,寻求不同的理论导向,进行不同的制度设计,遵循各自的发展路径。 Citizen Governance and Villagers' autonomy have much general characteristics.Both of them promote citizen participation and direct-democracy in value orientation,they are both based on the theory of Popular Sovereignty.As to the institution-design,both of them abide by the principle of citizen self-governance.Finally,their experienced paths both depend on their self-governance traditions.For the different growing environments and history-civilization between America and China,Citizen Governance and Villagers' autonomy also embody much individuality independently.they seek different theoretical principles under their differential special value of both own Country,then design different institutional arrangements and follow the different development paths.Analyzing the two models and drawing lessons from western Citizen Governance experience can contribute to improving Villagers' Autonomy with Chinese Characteristics,which makes for the positive interaction between local-government administration and primary-level social self-governance legally.
作者 史云贵 张婧
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期47-56,共10页 Journal of Social Sciences
基金 四川省哲学社会科学"十一五"规划2010年项目"社区合作治理:完善中国特色公民治理的理性路径研究"(项目批准号:SC10B036)的阶段性成果
关键词 公民治理 村(居)民自治 辨析 Citizen Governance Villagers' Autonomy Analyze
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