
水溶性壳聚糖制备多孔碳/氧化镍复合材料及其电化学电容行为 被引量:4

Preparation of Water Soluble Chitosan-Based Porous Carbon/NiO Composites and Their Electrochemical Capacitive Behavior
摘要 将水溶性壳聚糖碳化得到多孔碳材料,然后制备了多孔碳/NiO复合材料.透射电子显微镜(TEM),X射线衍射(XRD)和N2吸-脱附实验等结构表征显示,材料具有富含介孔的孔道结构.循环伏安(CV),恒流充放电等电化学测试表明,复合材料具有良好的电化学电容性能.其中Ni/C质量比为2:20时,复合材料在0.1A·g-1电流密度下比容量可达355F·g-1,而且经过1500次循环比容量仍保持99%左右,表现出良好的循环稳定性. Porous carbons were prepared by the carbonization of water soluble chitosan and they were then used to synthesize porous C/NiO composites.Transmission electron microscopy(TEM),X-ray diffraction(XRD),and nitrogen adsorption-desorption experinents were used to characterize the structure and morphology of the products.The results showed that the mesopore-rich composites consisted of NiO crystallites and porous carbon.The electrochemical properties of the porous C/NiO composites were studied by cyclic voltammetry(CV) and galvanostatic charge/discharge measurements.We found that compared with porous carbon,the composites showed superior electrochemical capacitive performance.When the mass ratio of nickel to carbon was 2:20,the composite had a large specific capacitance of 355 F·g-1 at a current density of 0.1 A·g-1 and excellent cyclability with a capacity retention of about 99% after 1500 cycles.
出处 《物理化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期455-460,共6页 Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)(2007CB209703) 江苏省生物质能源与材料重点实验室(2010M001)资助项目~~
关键词 超级电容器 壳聚糖 多孔碳 氧化镍 Supercapacitor Chitosan Porous carbon Nickel oxide
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