目的了解和掌握蓬莱市54年来(1956-2009年)6种与预防接种相应的传染病:白喉、麻疹、百日咳、流行性脑脊髓膜炎、流行性乙型脑炎、脊髓灰质炎(以下简称:六病)发病与死亡情况,评价预防接种成效,为科学制订免疫规划提供依据。方法利用1956-2009年蓬莱市人口及疫情报告资料按照时间序列、病种分类进行分析,并对计划免疫实施前(1956-1977年)和实施(1978-2009年)的情况进行比较。结果 54年来,蓬莱市计划免疫相关疾病发病和死亡呈现大幅度下降趋势,自实施计划免疫以来,六病发病率与死亡率都大幅下降,年均总发病率从实施前的521.67/10万,降至实施后的10.97/10万,下降了97.90%,死亡率从实施前的13.01/10万降至实施后的0.36/10万,下降了97.21%。单病发病以麻疹为最多,其次为百日咳和流脑,白喉、脊灰和乙脑分别于1974年、1975年和1996年出现最后一例病例。共报告死亡病例1 202例,占法定报告传染病死亡总数的86.41%(1 202/1 391)。结论开展疫苗接种预防和控制相应传染病,尤其是1978年实施计划免疫后,成绩斐然,社会效益显著,是控制和消灭急性传染病最有效的措施。
Objective ntroduce the disease rate and mortality rate of 6 infectious diseases related with vaccination of Penglai in recent 54 years(1956-2009): diphtheria,rubeola,whooping cough,epidemic encephalitis,encephalitis,and poliomyelitis(6 diseases for short below),evaluate the effect of vaccination,and provide the basis for a scientific immunity plan.Method Use the population and epidemic situation reports of Penglai from 1956-2009,analyzing the kinds of the diseases chronologically,and comparing the situation of the 2 period,the period without planned immunization(1956-1977),and the period planned immunization was put into practice(1978-2009).Result In the past 54 years,the disease and mortality rate of infectious diseases was downtrend,after the planned immunization was put into practice,disease and mortality rate of 6 diseases dropped dramatically.Compared the 2 periods,annual disease rate dropped 97.9 %,from 521.67 per 100,000 to 10.971 per 100,000,mortality rate dropped 97.21 %,from 13.01 per 100,000 to 0.36 per 100,000.Rubeola occurs most,then whooping cough and epidemic encephalitis.The last case of diphtheria,poliomyelitis and encephalitis was in 1974,1975 and 1996.The mortality cases reported were 1 202,86.41 % of total mortality of notifiable infectious disease(1391).Conclusion There is great improvement and social benefit after vaccination started to prevent and control infectious diseases,especially after planned immunization was put into practice in 1978.Planned immunization becomes the most effective method to control and eradicate the acute infectious diseases.
Henan Journal of Preventive Medicine