
基于非结构嵌套网格的旋翼-机身干扰流场数值模拟 被引量:11

An Effective Method for Numerically Simulating Helicopter Rotor-Fuselage Aerodynamic Interference Using Unstructured Overset Grids
摘要 文章基于非结构动态嵌套网格对直升机旋翼/机身干扰非定常流场进行了数值模拟研究。流场区域被分为2个相互嵌套的子域,即运动区和静止区。运动区包含桨叶,并且随着桨叶一起旋转,静止区包含机身,通过重叠区域传递流场信息。采用非定常Euler方程和双时间推进方法模拟了美国佐治亚理工学院旋翼/机身干扰实验外形非定常流场,并将计算结果与实验值以及文献的计算值进行了对比分析,吻合较好,得出了旋翼机身干扰的一些规律。 Sections 1 and 2 of the full paper explain our effective method.Their core consists of:(1) we divide the computational domain into two zones: rotational zone and stationary zone;the rotational zone contains rotor blades and rotates with them;the stationary zone contains the fuselage;their overlapping zone interpolates the information of flow field;(2) we use the dual-time stepping method to solve the unsteady Euler equations.Section 3 simulates the Georgia Tech configuration rotor-fuselage interference flow field and compares the simulation results with the experimental data in Ref.8 and the calculation results in Refs.9 and 10.The simulation results,presented in Figs.2 through 5,and their analysis show preliminarily that our method is effective and robust for the prediction of complicated unsteady rotor-fuselage aerodynamic interference;the effectiveness of our method is presented in the conclusions in section 4.
出处 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期814-817,共4页 Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
基金 重点实验室基金(9140C42010210ZS51) 西北工业大学"翱翔之星"人才计划
关键词 非结构网格 嵌套网格 旋翼/机身干扰 非定常流场 双时间方法 helicopters computational fluid dynamics unsteady flow unstructured overset grid rotor-fuselage interference dual-time stepping
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