
孤独症儿童父母的生活质量与应对方式相关性研究 被引量:14

The correlativity between quality of life and coping style in the autistic children' s parents
摘要 目的探讨孤独症儿童父母的生活质量状况、应对方式及其相关性。方法使用生活质量综合评定问卷、应付方式问卷对68例孤独症儿童的父母和64例健康儿童父母进行对照研究。同时利用t检验和多因素回归分析进行数据分析。结果实验组的物质生活维度、心理健康维度[(48.18±12.80)分,(60.63±10.18)分]低于正常对照组[(52.71±9.84)分,(65.79±8.64)分],差异有显著性(t=-2.04,P〈0.05;t=-3.09,P〈0.01)。实验组“解决问题”的应对方式少于对照组;幻想、退避的应对方式多于对照组。多因素回归分析的结果显示“解决问题”方式对生活质量总分以及躯体健康维度、心理健康维度、社会功能维度都可以有影响,呈正相关;“幻想”方式会影响生活质量总分,“退避”方式的会影响心理健康维度,均呈负相关。结论孤独症儿童父母易出现物质生活和心理健康方面的生活质量下降;他们应对生活应激事件时的应对方式,对生活质量、心理健康会产生不良的影响,应进行早期干预。 Objective To explore quality of life and coping style of autistic children' s parents, and correlation between them. Methods 68 parents of children with autism and 64 healthy children' s parents were tested with comprehensive assessment questionnaire of the quality of life and coping style questionnaire. Data were analyzed by t -test and multivariate regression analysis. Results The scores of material life and mental health dimensions in study group (48.18 ± 12.80,60.63 ±10.18) were lower than that in control group(52.71±9.84,65.79 ± 8.64) and the difference was significant ( t = - 2.04, P 〈 0.05 ; t = - 3.09, P 〈 0. 01 ). The scores of "problem salving" coping style in study group were slower than in control group; the scores of fantasy and wincing coping style in study group were higher than that in control group. By multivariate regression analysis showed that the scores of "problem solving" coping style were positively correlated with total score of life quality, physical health, mental health and social function dimensions; the scores of "fantasy" coping style had negative correlation with the total score of life quality; the scores of "wincing" coping style had negative correlation with mental health dimen- sion. Conclusion Parents of autistic children were more susceptible to problems of physical life and mental health. Compared to parents of normal children they are more in "fantasy and wincing style and less in" problem solving style to cope with stress, so it would affect the quality of life and mental health badly and need early intervention.
出处 《中华行为医学与脑科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期1113-1115,共3页 Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science
基金 基金项目:青岛市卫生局立项科研项目(2007-WSZD-100)
关键词 孤独症 父母 生活质量 应对方式 Autisms Parents Quality of life Coping style
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