
国外竞争者在中国市场的竞争力评价方法——以风电装备整机制造产业为例 被引量:5

A Method of Competitiveness Evaluation for Foreign Competitors in Domestic Market in China——Case Study of Wind Power Industry
摘要 以我国风电装备制造产业为例,从产业竞争情报视角介绍一种国外竞争者在中国市场的竞争力评价方法。该方法的内容和过程主要包括:①建立一个包括5个大类指标、19项分指标的评价模型,给出各指标的含义和度量说明;②根据对所研究的国外企业的分析研究获得各项指标数据,根据设定的计分规则得到各项指标的无权重分值;③采取邀请多位业内专家打分的方法对指标体系进行权重赋值;④获得所研究国外企业在中国市场竞争力的最终量化测算结果。结语部分指出本方法可用于国内本土企业与国外优秀标杆企业之间的定标比超等扩展用途。 By case study of wind power industry of China,from industry competitive intelligence point of view,a method of competitiveness evaluation for foreign competitors in domestic market of China is developed.The major procedures of the method are:①based on an indicators system with five first class indicators and nineteen second class indicators,establish a competitiveness evaluation mode,given the definition and measure rule for each indicator;②according to the analysis of each competitor get data for each indicator,and get score of each indicator according to measure rule;③ weigh the indicators by experts group scoring;④measure the competitiveness of each foreign competitor with weigh quantitative score finally.The view point that this method can be transformed another method example for benchmarking is introduced in the end.
作者 陈峰
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第24期14-17,共4页 Library and Information Service
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"产业竞争情报理论方法的基本问题及其实证研究"(项目编号:70973119)研究成果之一
关键词 产业竞争情报 竞争力 评价 方法 风能 竞争者 案例 实证 industry competitive intelligence competitiveness evaluation method wind power competitor case empirical study
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