选用99 Tcm 葡萄糖二酸(99 Tcm glucarate,简称99 Tcm glu)作为肿瘤阳性示踪剂,对肺腺癌小鼠模型进行动物实验。以主要组织器官的放射性摄取百分比及 T/ N T 作为统计指标并常规静态及延时显像观察。结果表明肿瘤组织对99 Tcm glu 有较好的摄取,延时 6 h 肿瘤摄取量达到最高。表明99 Tcm glu具有作为亲肿瘤显像剂的潜力。
A myocardiac infraction imaging reagent, 99 Tc\+m glucarate is injected into lung cancer of mice model to imaging. The primary results show that the tumor can uptake rather more 99 Tc m\|glucarate than the others. The uptake of 99 Tc m\|glucarate in tumor is the highest at 6 hours after injection. Evidently, the 99 Tc m\|glucarate is a hopeful tumor reagent.
Journal of Isotopes