目的 探讨尿17-酮类固醇(17-KS)、尿17-羟类固醇(17-OH)与不孕的关系.方法 采用色谱-分光光度法测定130例不孕患者24 h尿中17-KS和17-OH的含量,同时测定健康对照组.结果 24 h尿17-KS和17-OH平均水平,不孕组明显高于正常对照组(P均<0.001).结论 不孕组尿17-KS和17-OH水平明显高于正常对照组,说明尿17-KS和17-OH排泄量增加与育龄妇女不孕间存在一定的相关性,可为临床提供有价值的参考数据,对临床诊断、治疗具有辅助意义.
Objective To study the relationship between the 17-KS,17-OH and infertility. Methods By the Chromatography-Spectrophotometry,determined the level of the 17-KS and 17-0H in the urine for 24 hours of 130 patients with infertility,the control group was 42 cases of healthy women. Results The mean 17-KS and 17-OH levels were significantly higher in women with infertility compared with fertile subjects (P〈0. 001). Conclusion A significant difference in urine 17-KS and 17-OH levels between infertile and fertile women showed that 17-KS and 17-OH could be used as a diagnostic indicator for infertility of women. They may provide valuable data with clinical ,and support the clinical diagnosis of infertility in women.
Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine