目的 建立特异的血清胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白3(IGFBP3) 放射免疫测定法(RIA),并初步应用于临床。方法 用IGFBP3 免疫兔子,制备兔抗IGFBP3 血清。以乳过氧化物酶法进行125I标记IGFBP3 。建立IGFBP3 RIA,并做方法学的检验,测定健康成人和肢端肥大症、生长激素缺乏症(GHD) 及肝硬化和慢性肾功能不全(CRF) 患者的血清IGFBP3 水平。结果 IGFBP3 RIA的最小可测值为(16-9 ±2-4) μg/L。兔抗IGFBP3 血清与IGFBP3 结合的亲和常数为7-9 ×1010 L/mol,与IGFBP1、IGFBP2、胰岛素样生长因子1(IGF1) 和人生长激素(hGH) 均无交叉反应。IGFBP3RIA 准确性好,高中低3 个剂量的平均回收率为98-7% ,批内及批间平均CV分别为(7-8 ±3-5) % 和(10-8±3-1)% 。88 例健康成人血清IGFBP3 水平为(3-1±0-5) mg/L,49 例活动性肢端肥大症及19例CRF患者血清IGFBP3 水平分别为(16-8 ±9-9) 和(13-2 ±3-6) mg/L,均与健康成人水平无重叠。129 ?
Objective To establish a specific radioimmunoassay (RIA) for serum level of human insulin like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP 3) and study serum IGFBP 3 levels in normal adults and some pathophysiological states Methods IGFBP 3 antibody was raised and iodinated IGFBP 3 was made with lactoperoxidase as a tracer, then set up the RIA for human serum IGFBP 3 Serum levels of normal adults, patients suffered from acromegaly, growth hormone deficiency (GHD), liver cirrhosis and chronic renal failure (CRF) were tested Results The minimal detectable range of this IGFBP 3 RIA was (16 9±2 4) μg/L The affinity constant is 7 9×10 10 L/mol, without cross reactivity with IGFBP 1, IGFBP 2, insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF 1) and human growth hormone (hGH) The mean rate of recovery was 98 7%, and the mean coefficients of variation for intra and interbatch assay were (7 8±3 5)% and (10 8±3 1)% respectively The mean serum levels of IGFBP 3 in 88 normal adults were (3 1 ±0 5) mg/L (range 2 0~4 0 mg/L), while that in 49 active acromegalics were (16 8±9 9) mg/L (range 5 6~42 8 mg/L) and in 19 CRF were (13 2±3 6) mg/L (range 9 8~25 0 mg/L), none of them was overlapping the normal adult levels The mean serum IGFBP 3 levels of 129 GHD and 18 liver cirrhosis were (1 6 ±0 9) mg/L (range 0 4~3 7 mg/L) and (2 4±0 7) mg/L (range 1 2~3 7 mg/L) respectively, all of them were overlapping the lower level of serum IGFBP 3 of normal adults Conclusions This RIA is easy to use, can detect wide range of serum IGFBP 3, has high specificity and good reproducibility Serum IGFBP 3 assay is very useful in diagnosis of the hyper , normal and hypo secretory state of hGH
Chinese Journal of Nuclear Medicine