本文以现代化网上教学平台的发展为基础,在调研了大学精品课网站的现况下,描述了在知识管理的基础之上如何实现软件工程课程的智能化的教学平台。此平台的研发可以实现"用问题解问题","课程中穿插项目实践"。为国家精品课程网站的"做中学"目标和最终实现"any where any time study"的目标提供同步服务。本文在研究知识元模型的构建之上,提出了在软件工程教学管理平台中具体的知识模型。并在此之上对知识搜索,知识管理进行了补充。实现了论坛中"我爱问"的功能模块的设计。
In this paper, it describes how to develop a E-learning educational website in software engineering field based on the knowledge management model. It makes a concrete knowledge model in educational field. Integrating the project management into the teaching system is the revolutional improvement in E-learning field. Through the designing and implementation of this, it can servers the modem educational website intelligently. It can help realize the goal of E-learning educational website, which is "any time, any where study.