
催化剂在亚燃烧催化裂化过程中所受影响因素的试验研究 被引量:2

Experimental Study on the Influential Factors Applied on the Catalyst in Sub-combustion Catalystic Cracking
摘要 设计了适合于稠油亚燃烧催化裂化的高温高压试验装置,该装置可以自动采集温度、压力和气体成分等数据。利用该试验装置,采用3种催化剂对3种稠油进行了稠油裂解降粘试验,研究了亚燃烧过程中催化剂种类和浓度在不同温度和压力下对催化剂裂解降粘和阻焦效果的影响。试验结果表明,在大多数情况下催化剂起到了良好的降粘和阻焦作用,原油裂解后流动性大幅度提高,轻质组分(C8-C20)显著增加,同时重组分(C21-C30)降低。研究通过稠油与特定催化剂的催化裂化实现了低温下的稠油降粘,该催化剂和相应的亚燃烧方法可望应用于稠油油田的开发,也可以应用于现场制备稀油,替代现有掺稀采油工艺中的优质稀油,从而提高这类油田开发的经济效益。 A HTHP experimental device was designed for the catalystic cracking of sub-combustion of heavy oil.It could be used for automatically collecting the data of temperature,pressure and gas component.Three different catalysts were used for testing the crack and reducing the viscosity for three different heavy oils.The oils were cracked and its viscosity was reduced significantly after the in-situ combustion.The effect of the catalyst type and concentration on viscosity reduction were investigated at different temperatures and pressures.The experimental results demonstrates that the catalysts canimprove the combustion performance in most of the cases studied.The mobility of heavy oil raises significantly after in-situ upgrading.The light components(C8-C20)increases and heavy components(C21-C30)decreases.The significant reduction of the viscosity of the heavy oil is realized at a relatively low temperature using thermal and catalytic cracking methods.The catalysts and the sub-combustion technique can be used to improve the oil recovery of heavy oil as well as field preparation of light oil from heavy oil.This kind of produced light oil can substitute the high quality light oil as diluting oil during the production of heavy oil.
出处 《石油天然气学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期143-150,共8页 Journal of Oil and Gas Technology
关键词 亚燃烧 稠油 催化裂化 焦化 耗氧率 降粘 催化剂 sub-combustion heavy oil catalystic cracking coking oxygen consumption rate viscosity reduction catalyst
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