
不同胶层厚度单搭接接头剪切试验与强度预测 被引量:14

Strength of Adhesively Bonded Single Lap for Differential Bondline Thickness and Tension Loading Prediction
摘要 对不同胶层厚度的单搭接胶接接头进行拉伸载荷的剪切试验,对比胶层厚度以及胶瘤等因素对搭接接头强度的影响,通过有限元数值仿真,模拟不同胶层厚度试验件在接头破坏位置附近的等效应力情况,得出随胶层厚度的增加接头强度逐渐减小、端部胶瘤降低了粘接表面应力峰值从而提高接头强度等结论。同时引用Hart-Sm ith弯矩系数计算出较厚胶层单搭接接头强度的保守值。 Adhesively bonded lap is used extensively in the manufacture of automotive structures.In order to explore the strength of the structures with lap joints,the adhesively bonded single lap joints with differential bondline thickness were tested in tension loading which creates shear across the bondline.Various parameters were investigated such as the bondline thickness and spew fillet.The equivalent stress was obtained through finite element analysis to define the effect of spew fillet for thick bondline,which helped to get the conclusions that strength of single lap was decreasing as bondline thickness increasing and spew fillet could reduce the peak value of stress so as to enhance the strength of lap joints.Hart-Smith factor was used to compute the tension load of single lap joints,which helped to get conservative prediction of strength.
出处 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期17-21,共5页 Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
基金 国家"863"高技术研究发展计划资助项目(2009AA04Z101)
关键词 车身 单搭接接头 胶层厚度 胶瘤 剪切试验 强度预测 Auto body Single lap joints Bondline thickness Spew fillet Shear test Strength prediction
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