选用5 头雄性梅花鹿,测定鹿茸生长速度、相对骨质密度、血清碱性磷酸酶(AKP) 活力.结果表明,在整个鹿茸生长期内,鹿茸生长速度、相对骨质密度、AKP活力均有显著变化.在生长期骨化程度低且增长缓慢,而生长速度显著加快.在骨化期,骨化程度较高且迅速增加,生长速度迅速下降,骨化完成时停止生长.AKP 活力在生长期与生长速度同步升高,在骨化期下降.锯掉单侧茸后,AKP
The pilose antler growth,relative sclerotin and alkaline phosphatase of five male sika deer changed significantly during growth period of pilose antler.Ossification of pilose antler growed slowly during growth period,but growed fast during ossification period,growth speed decreased and stoped after the end of ossification.AKP energy increased with growth speed during growth period and decreased during ossification period.