
双层集装箱重车重心高度对运行安全性的影响 被引量:2

Influence of gravity center height on running safety of loaded double-stack container car
摘要 根据多刚体动力学理论,运用SIMPACK仿真软件分别建立了一定装载工况和运行工况下双层集装箱车辆的单车动力学仿真模型和四车动力学仿真模型。基于铁路车辆运行安全评价指标及其标准,将模型仿真结果与双层集装箱列车实际运行试验的结果进行了对比分析,研究了重车重心高度与运行安全性的关系,给出了合理的双层集装箱重车重心限制高度。仿真结果表明:随着双层集装箱重车重心高度的增大,轮轴横向力、轮重减载率与脱轨系数增大,最先达到安全限度的是脱轨系数;在最不利装载工况下,安全的重车重心高度限值为2 480 mm。 According to the system dynamics of rigid bodys,the dynamics simulation models of single-vehicle and four-vehicle double-stack container cars under certain loading and running conditions were established by SIMPACK.Based on the evaluating criterias and indexes of railway train running safety,the simulation result was compared with experiment data.The relationship between the height of loaded car's gravity center and the running safety of double-stack container car was analyzed,and the reasonable height of gravity center was presented.Simulation result indicates that lateral wheelset force,wheel unloading rate and derailment coefficient increase with the increase of the height,and derailment coefficient firstly reaches its limit value.The limit value of the height is 2 480 mm under the most unfavorable loading condition.7 tabs,5 figs,16 refs.
出处 《交通运输工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期41-47,共7页 Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60870014)
关键词 双层集装箱车辆 运行安全性 重车重心高度 脱轨系数 轮重减载率 double-stack container car running safety height of loaded car's gravity center derailment coefficient wheel unloading rate
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